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General Trainings

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious Bias is a prejudice we have or an assumption we

make about another person based on common cultural stereotypes, rather than on thoughtful judgment.  This course will help

learners address personal unconscious bias, teach about microaggressions, provide techniques on how to develop self-awareness.

Diversity A Mosaic of Possibilities

Diversity training is seen to have a number of benefits such as increased collaboration and relationships. In this course, learners will be able to define the word “diversity.”, understanding why organizations care about diversity and increase awareness about

the impact of diversity at work, identify actions to address stereotypes/perceptions, and examine how valuing differences

can achieve results.

Adapting to Change

Change is inevitable and takes many shapes in the workplace.  Most people feel at least a little unsettled by change. In this course, learners will learn how to navigate change, strategies to embrace change and learn techniques that can help make the transition as smooth as possible.

Communication for Success

 Having excellent interpersonal communication skills is the most critical career and personal skill you can possess. Learn how to become a better communicator and how to articulate your message effectively and confidently. 

Teamwork Works!

Teams are a core part of the work done in most organizations —teamwork is essential to long-term organizational success.  In this course, learners will learn the importance of helping a team move through the stages of team development, identifying strategies for enhanced collaboration and cooperation, and developing problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Customer Service Excellence

Learn the processes and techniques that build strong customer relationships, including evaluating your ability to manage your daily interactions with others.  In this course, learners will learn how to evaluate the benefits of exceptional customer service and meeting customer expectations, achieve better customer relations through the stages of communications, and determine strategies and techniques to manage customer service challenges.

Interested in these courses, custom courses or have a general inquiry?

Please fill out the Training Request/Inquiry  Form


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